Warrior castes amid societal morass

Alley Whoops
4 min readMay 24, 2024

Two Kansas City Chiefs come to the aid of their kicker

Found this in a Yahoo News article; no attribution, so I assume it’s theirs?

The best part of listening to the No Agenda podcast for the better part of two years is that you become immune to the machinations of major media. With enough practice, eyes fully opened, you are able to dissect the problematic, programmatic nature of the mainstream’s messaging.

When it came to the Kansas City Chiefs press conference yesterday, head coach Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes at the podium, I felt like Alfred Borden in The Prestige, watching his rival’s brand new magic show, his years of experience in the craft allowing him to spot the trapdoor that is key to the trick.

Hearing Reid and Mahomes regurgitate the same talking points, using the exact same wording, I had a glimpse into the PR emergency meeting they were both forced to participate in to address the media, salivating over the latest BREAKING NEWS delivered by Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s commencement speech at Benedictine College in which he espoused some choice conservative Catholic comments that were, of course, immediately taken out of context, the result that Butker was charged with the ultimate crime of Blasphemy against the prevailing state religion. Which seems difficult to define at times—but when in doubt, remember that it in no way includes conservatism lol.

What was Butker’s grave sin? Charge still pending. But cries of sexist! misogynist! abortion enthusiast! are certainly on the board. Handmaid’s Tale dystopian visions quickly flooded social media—Butker wants to take us backwards, denying us our God (heh)-given right to continue the March of Eternal Progress—never mind if in participating, logic would dictate we would become Lemmings progressively…sliding off a cliff.

The course of modernity must be maintained by freaking the fuck out of the populace—dystopian scenes bombarded into your brains until you’re in psychological headlock, begging for release. Just tell me who to vote for to make it all stop!

Butker exhorted the Benedictine graduating class to disregard the status quo and become men and women who abide by their own moral compass. Given the unprecedented governmental overreach these past four years, it seemed not only reasonable—but eminently practical advice. Go with your gut, go with God. If you have a gift, use it to help your community. But where Butker truly blasphemed was in revealing that his wife felt proudest not of her professional career, but in her role as a wife to Butker and mother to their children.

This was seized upon and interpreted as a clarion call to shackle all women in domestic prison. The backlash was fierce and well-coordinated. All that was missing were professional signs. What was interesting was the other side of the reaction. The tidal wave of support for Butker’s message. Women who took to social media to say that they enjoyed working, but felt most fulfilled as a mother. Butker’s jerseys (I’m guessing this had to be personalized from the customizable template)—male and female categories—became best-sellers.

Another realm of reaction was fascinating to behold. Take the Greek theater known as The View, in which Whoopi Goldberg exhorted her harridans to take a breath and…respect the difference of opinion Butker espoused. As Adam Curry pointed out on the No Agenda podcast, this was mitigation strategy. Butker’s testimonial to a strengthened form of masculinity in the face of nanny state creep freaked out the purveyors of status quo. They’ve seen the presidential polls, they know the mental status of the incumbent. Here, it made tactical sense to beat a hasty retreat and regroup before the next battle.

Reid and Mahomes were always going to be called to the stand. In modern media warfare, the Do You Denounce?!? assault is almost unparalleled in its success rate. Put the opponent on the back foot, set the terms of the conversation, including the language in which it will be conducted. But as Tranströmer put it in a poem, “The language marches in step with the executioners; therefore, we must find a new language.” To their credit, Reid and Mahomes refused to budge from their position of defending Butker, noting that they didn’t agree with everything he said while reiterating how wonderful it is to live in a country where people are allowed to voice their own opinions.

This is where it gets interesting. The woke-addled masses, trained to attack like sentinels at the merest glitch in the Matrix, could not understand how the Chiefs could adopt this position when there was a Change.com petition (!) demanding Butker’s dismissal (heh) from the team that gathered hundreds of thousands of signatures. In true Hate has no home here fashion, the X account of the city of St. Louis doxxed Butker’s place of residence.

This is where the mob runs into a hard truth.

As Jim Harbaugh said, football (American style) is one of the last places where men are allowed to be men. Add to this the high concentration of Christian adherents in any elite sport, and you get the sense Butker will find many colleagues happy to stand beside him and adopt an us-against-the-world mentality against the gathering horde.

I think of Barry Zito’s autobiography, in which he recounted his conversion to Christianity and the bible study sessions the San Francisco Giants would have before games. Return to faith seems to be a frequent theme these days. This is a direct reaction to the soulless nature of modern society. People want community. We’re not getting it in the things we’re told to pursue.

You’ve got to serve the truth inside your heart. Butker did that, consequences be damned. It’s the kind of message that needs to be imparted to young men and women. I’m glad he did it, and I think it’s something we’ll be seeing a lot more of going forward.



Alley Whoops

Game of life, with a twist—and shout. Twitter: @alleywhoops